Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 196-Beer 196 Erdinger Weissbrau Dunkel, Erdinger Weissbrau, Erding,Bavaria, Germany

Erdinger advertises as the worlds largest wheat brewery, brewing since 1896.  Today's brew is a Dunkelweizen, which for your information is similar to a Hefeweizen, these southern Germany wheat beers are brewed as darker versions (Dunkel means "dark") with deliciously complex malts and a low balancing bitterness. Most are brown and murky (from the yeast). The usual clove and fruity (banana) characters will be present, some may even taste like banana bread. Now that we know what it is here goes. It poured a murky dark chocolate/brown colour with lots of creamy off white head  that settled to a thin layer of sticky foam lacing. The aroma is caramel and roasted malts with a hints of chocolate, bread yeast and banana.  The taste definitely has wheat background with the taste of dark roasted malts, chocolate and caramel, a hint of banana and hops. Overall quite refreshing, it would be a really nice beer on one of those hot summer days, 3.8 out of 5

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