Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day206-Beer 206 Burrobeer, Burrobeer craft beers,Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain

Burrobeer, "White Ass Wheat Beer" is a Weizen style brew
"  Quality Spanish craft beer made with the same stubbornness and affection that an ass can give you. Clear golden colour with a white creamy head, refreshing and busting with flavor. We are all natural and without any funny colourings or additives."
It poured a very murky lemon colour with lots of white bubblehead that dissipates quickly. The aroma bready yeast with a hint of fruit, maybe apricot. The taste is lemon and apricot with some spice background. Not the best weizen I tasted  and not the worst but maybe close to it. 3.1 out of 5.

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