Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 204-Beer 204 Er Boqueron ,La Socarrada Cervesa Artesanal De Xativa, Valencia Spain.

A great day on the course and some good wine tasting afterwards at Rockway Vineyards. Daryl laid down the gauntlet and shot an 80 and no one answered but as someone said we had a really fun day ... at Bill's expense... it wasn't his best day of golf, but he tried, and then he challenged us to a euchre game and life got worse for Bill, 0 wins five losses , oops.  Anyhow,  interesting day requires an interesting beer so off to Spain for a few days and a few beers. This one is an American Blonde,  Ale, that is. An American Blonde Ale  is similar to German Kolsh style brew. They should be pale straw to deep gold colour,  usually an all malt brew with a  subdued fruitiness. Hop character is of the noble variety, or similar, leaving a light to medium bitterness. A balanced beer, light bodied and lager like.

Tonight's brew has an added variable, it is made with sea water, and those that know me know I am not a lover of sea food so here goes. It poured a cloudy golden straw colour with a head that just kept growing, I thought I was watching a tsunami, and after overflowing my glass it settled fairly quickly leaving a nice covering of foamy lacing. The aroma was mainly malt with hints of toffee. The taste was a little sweet with just a hint of hops in the background, as for the sea water and or sea food, you could not taste it so I am not sure what the additional ingredient does to the brew.  Overall an okay drinkable brew, but nothing special in taste or smell, 3.4 out of 5

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