Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 202-Beer 202 Harpoon 100 Barrel Series, Brown IPA, Harpoon Brewery and Beer Hall, Boston Massachusetts

Tonight's brew is an American Brown Ale with an added touch IPA. The American version of an English Brown Ale simply uses American ingredients. Some versions have additions of coffee and nuts and in this case additional hops to enter into the IPA category.
This brew is from a small batch series produced by the company and has 5.7%ABV.
"Science ... a good excuse to brew and drink more beer"
It poured a very dark brown colour with a tan coloured head that settle to a thin foamy layer of lacing across the surface of the beer. The aroma was predominately citrus, grapefruit with just a hint of something sweet in the background. The taste is caramel malts up front with a hint of dark chocolate with a nice follow of citrus, grapefruit hops. The finish is sweet, honey maybe and  some lingering hop bitterness. Not a great IPA and not a great Brown Ale but it is an interesting combination 3.4 out of 5.

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