Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 203-Beer 203 Thornbridge Chiron, Thornbridge Brewery, Bakewell, England

Off to England for an American Pale Ale, believe it or not, the style originated in England and is now popular worldwide. Generally  there should be a good balance of malt and hops. Fruity esters and diacetyl can vary from none to moderate, and bitterness can range from lightly floral to pungent. American versions tend to be cleaner and hoppier, while British tend to be more malty, buttery, aromatic and balanced.

Chiron is a British version, it poured a clear golden yellow colour with good head that left nice sticky lacing.  The aroma is very hoppy, citrus, grapefruit, orange, mango,  with a background of caramel malts. The flavour is fruity hops upfront with just a hint of sweet malts in the background. Notes of grapefruit, orange with a earthy background, grassy hops and yeast. Not overly bitter like many IPA's this APA is very flavourful and easy drinking, a really good brew, 4 out of 5

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