Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 187-Beer 187 Creme Brulee, Southern Tier Brewing Co. Lakewood New York

Tonight's beer packed a punch for a beer that taste like a dessert. At 9.5%ABV and a 22 oz. ( 650 ml) you should have someone to share this beer. It pours dark brown/black with very little head and almost no lacing. The aroma , wow the aroma is strong, dark milk chocolate, burnt sugar, vanilla and a hint of cream, crème brulee in a bottle. If aroma was the only scoring factor this one hits max but there is more to a brew than aroma. the taste is somewhat of a stout but with crème brulee as the mainstay, coffee, milk chocolate, burnt sugar and vanilla, a true desert beer. You could serve this one as an after dinner  liquor and no one  would think it as a beer. Overall  a good brew but you need to share this one, it does have a kick to it. You could probably find a few recipes to share some of it with, both marinades and desert recipes would work well and leave enough for you and your company too. 3.7 out of 5.

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