Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 211-Beer 211 Montagnarde,Brasserie de l'Abbaye des Rocs, Montignies Sur Rocs, Belgium

A good day on the course, a lot of fun with fellow golfers, Jerry, Len and Daryl but the course Otter Creek for the most part beat us up and left us a little bruised and thirsty. Tonight's brew is a Belgium Strong Dark Ale (7.5%ABV). They are similar to the Belgian Dark Ale, but with a higher ABV and more of an all around character. Look for lots of complexity within a delicate palate. Hop and malt character can vary, most are fruity and may have mild dark malt flavors. Phenols will range from minimal to high and most will be light on the hops. All in all most are spicy and alcoholic.

Here goes, it poured a very murky copper/amber colour with adequate head that left some sticky lacing. The aroma is caramel, sugar, banana and hint of spice, cloves. the taste is brown sugar, toffee with some hints of spicy hops with a slightly sweet finish of pralines and caramel. The alcohol taste is well hidden and the beer finishes quite crisp and refreshing. A very good brew for its style, 3.7 out of 5

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