Thursday, July 3, 2014

Half Way to New Years Eve, Day 183-Beer 183 Worthington'sWhite Shield, Worthington's White Shield Brewery, Burton Upon Trent, England

Thought I needed something special to celebrate the passing of half way point in my beer quest so this one is from a brewery that was established in 1744, its almost as old as dirt. White shield is one of the longest surviving IPA's and one of England's most decorated brews, so here goes. The ale pours a clear orange/copper colour with lots of nice cream coloured head that lasts a long time and sticks to the sides of the glass. The aroma although not strong has hints of lemon, English hops with the scent of sweet toffee and fresh baked bread in the background. The taste is not as hoppy as I expected but rather well balanced for an IPA with flavours of bread toffee, yeast and lemony/grapefruit hops. The finish is quite dry is only slightly bitter. A very good but not great IPA 3.9 out of 5. And so the second half begins and my continued search for the world's most outstanding brews.

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