Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 208-Beer 208 100 Mile Lager, Ontario Beer Company, Toronto Ontario

Bill O' stopped by to help get rid of a few coyotes, but no luck tonight. Then of course where Bill is, there is a card game in the making. Tonight it was Bill's version of three handed euchre.  He also brought a few beers for me to try and 100 mile is one of them.

100 mile is an American Pale Lager, they are referred to as "all-malt," as they are brewed without cereal adjuncts (mainly rice or corn). Though often still yellow and fizzy, these beers will display a broader depth of malt flavor and a more complex bitterness vs. their adjunct counterparts.

100 mile poured a golden yellow colour with okay head that dissipated quickly leaving almost no lacing.     the aroma has a hint of malt with a lemon/grass hops background. The taste is has a grassy hop bitterness with hints of malt and grain, with a slight grapefruit/ lemony aftertaste with a faint lingering citrus. Overall an okay lager 3.5 out of 5

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