Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 200-Beer 200 and going strong, Erdinger Kristall, Erdinger Weisbrau, Erding Germany

Tonight's brew is the last of five Erdingers brought back from Frankfurt by my daughter Kristal, so its fitting that it is a Kristalweizen.  A kristalweizen is typically a filtered Hefeweizen showcasing bright and clear bodies from pale straw to light amber. Overall character will be should more clean and softer on the palate, and the common banana and phenols will be more subtle. This one is 5.3%ABV.

 It poured a clear golden yellow colour with some very bubbly head that dissipated quickly leaving no lacing. The aroma is  sweet malts with a hint of grassy hops and wheat. The taste is sweet up front, caramel malts with a slight hint of banana and just a hint of bitter hops. Overall a good kristalweizen, a little more carbonated than most but a nice dry finish. 3.8 out of 5

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