Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 199 Beer 199 Erdinger Weissbier Pikantus - Erdinger Weissbräu, Erding Bavaria Germany

Another Erdinger, this one is a Weizenbock it is a more powerful Dunkel Weizen (of "bock strength", this one is 7.3%ABV), with a pronounced estery alcohol character, perhaps some spiciness from this, and bolder and more complex malt characters of dark fruits. Here goes, it poured a murky dark brown, chocolate colour with very little head that dissipated quickly and left no lacing at all. Having had this before I know that I am in for a treat.  The aroma is dark fruits, hints of plum, spice and bread yeast, certainly not as aromatic as I expected. The flavour has hints of plum, caramel malt, bread yeast some rye with hints of some grassy hops, banana and clove. Quite a bit of carbonation for the style but overall very good, the high alcohol does not affect the flavour nor is it over malty and many bocks are. 3.9 out of 5

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