Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 365-Beer 365 Korbinian, Brauerei Weihenstephaner, freising Germany HAPPY NEW YEAR

It's truly hard to believe but 1 year and 365 beers one new beer every day is complete. Tonight's brew was drank for the New Years Celebration, it is a Dopplebock or Dunkles Starkbier at 7.4%ABV and poured an almost black colour one fingers of head that settled to leave only a spattering of lacing. The aroma is somewhat of medicinal, alcohol up front with some dark fruits and roasted malts, toffee and chocolate. The flavour has lots of dark fruits, cherries, plum and some toffee, caramel and a hint of coffee all with a nut background. A really good brew for its style but a little syrupy for my tastes, overall a great way to end the year's quest 3.7 out of 5. NO MORE BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL, UNLESS MAYBE I GET THIRSTY AGAIN WE WILL SEE. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MAY 2015 BE A GREAT YEAR IN YOUR LIFE, THANKS FOR READING MY BLOG AND CHECK IN AGAIN NOW AND THEN I MAY FIND A FEW MORE TO ADD TO THE LIST. The body is medium to full, and slightly syrupy.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 364-Beer 365-1 Harvest Special Ale, Southern Tier Brewing Co. Lakewood New York

The count down to midnight has begun, after tonight one more beer to go to accomplish my goal of 365 different beers, one each day for the year 2014. Tonight's brew is an ESB an extra special/strong bitter. A similar brew is Hobgoblin. This one pours a golden amber with a couple of fingers of head that leaves some very nice and very sticky lacing. The aroma is grapefruit and caramel malts with an earthy background. The flavour is toffee and caramel background with some nice grapefruit hop bitters. A really nicely balanced ESB with a crisp dry finish and much more flavour than most beer in its style, 3.9 out of 5, I wish I had a couple of these to drink tonight but unfortunately I only bought 1. ....ONE MORE BOTTLE OF BEER ON THE WALL....

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 363-Beer 363 St. Bernardus Christmas Ale, Brouwerij St. Bernardus, Watou Belgium

Well it still the Christmas Season and so my last Christmas ale, this one a Belgian abbey ale. This beer is listed as a Quadruple or a Quad. Inspired by the Trappist brewers of Belgium, a Quadruple is a Belgian style ale of great strength with bolder flavor compared to its Dubbel and Tripel sister styles. Typically a dark creation that ranges within the deep red, brown and garnet hues. Full bodied with a rich malty palate. Sweet with a low bitterness yet a well perceived alcohol. This one is 10%ABV and comes in a 750mil bottle. It poured a dark mahogany colour with lots of fuzzy head that settles to a thin layer of sticky foam. The aroma is fairly sweet with lots of dark fruits, plums, brown sugar with a brandy like background. the flavour is again sweet up front with some dark fruits especially plum with hints of black cherries along with toffee and caramel malts. A great winter brew that will warm your innards 3.9 out of 5

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 362-Beer 362 Grande Cuvee, Porter Baltique, Les Trois Mousquetaires,Brossard Quebec

An interesting night for an interesting beer. Kristal decided to try a play the Interview on our Internet on the spot and I stated watch it will probably run out with 5 minutes to go. I must have esp because with almost exactly five minutes to go our Internet time ran out, not to worry we refilled it with of course my card and managed to see the end of a movie that was so bad and so corny that it almost became funny. As for tonight's brew it was a nice big 750 mil bottle at 10%ABV which helped me make through the movie. It poured a very dark chocolate colour with a finger of tan coloured head. The aroma had hints of espresso, chocolate, dark fruits, roasted malts and some brandy making almost the aroma of a liqueur. the flavour stars of very sweet, toffee, roasted malt and licorice then coffee with a smokey background and a sweet finish on the palate. Overall a good brew but a little on the sweet side for me 3.6 out of 5. A great desert brew that you could serve as a frozen yogurt float or add it to the pot when you cook your next batch of buttered carrots.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day 361 - Beer 361 Organic Chocolate Stout, Bison Brewing, Ukiah California

This one is an American Style Stout brewed with Peruvian Cocoa. It poured almost black in colour with one finger of tan coloured head The aroma is dark chocolate, burnt coffee and roasted malts. The flavour chocolate espresso coffee and a hint of bitter chocolate hops. Try this one in your favourite recipes that call for beer or forget the water and add some of this brew to the next gravy that you make. Overall a good stout, 3.5 out of 5 Four More Bottles of Beer on the wall

Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 360-Beer 360 2XMass, Southern Tier Brewing Co. Lakewood New York

some more Christmas cheer, this on is brewed in the tradition of Swedish Glogg with figs, orange peel, spices, 2 varieties of hops and 4 types of malt. It pours a a hazy mahogany colour with one finger of cream coloured head that leaves some spotty lacing with lots of continuous carbonation bubbles. As for the aroma it smells like a cinnamon cookies, candy cane, with some pine tree resin thrown in for good measure. The flavour has a nice pine hop bitterness in the background with some peppery spices and then some sweet candy candy flavour remains on the palate. It certainly is an interesting and different brew that was worth the sample but I probably wouldn't buy another. 3.3 out of 5 .

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 359-Beer 359 Snow Roller Hoppy Brown Ale, South Burlington, Vermont

I'm Dreaming of a white Christmas.... well there is no snow here in Florida today, although it was a little cool. Had dinner a 1 oclock at Camp Tiger, wow what a meal, then five holes of golf with Kristal and Rochelle followed by a losing game of dominos against the pro's Phylis and Lynn. Well back to the white Christmas we couldn't find any snow so I drank a snow roller. The name contradicts the look, it's far from white. It is listed as an american brown ale and pours a dark brown/mahogany colour with two fingers of off white head that settles to a thin laye of sticky lacing. The smell is nutty with rich earthy malts and some pine and floral hops. The flavour leaves a little sweetness on the palate with nutty malts with pine resin and grassy hops and a peppery background. Overall a good brew that lives up to its label of a "Hoppy Brown Ale". There are more hops than are usual for a Brown Ale. It also makes a good Winter Warmer with is 6.2%ABV. Take your soul for a roll in the snow. 3.4 out of 5. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT