Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 355-Beer 355 Old Man Winter Ale, Southern Tier Brewing Co. Lakewood New York

this one list as an old ale or a stock ale. They are left in vats to mature hence the name. The usually have a full malt body with plenty of character. Their colour ranges from dark amber to very dark brown. Hop levels can vary greatly they should have a fruity background of raisins and or black current. This one poured a dark brown with one finger of off white heat that created a sticky film of lacing on the sides of the glass. The aroma is very malty, caramel, raisin and toasted nuts with some pine resin and citrus hops in the background. The taste matches the nose, it has a creamy texture at first with hints of dark fruits and sweet caramel malts, toasted grains with a background of pine resin, citrus peel providing a nice hop bitterness. It not what I remember Molson Stock Ale being like but then Molson stock ale does not fit the category at all. A very good brew 3.8 out of 5.10 more bottles of beer on the wall

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