Monday, December 8, 2014

Missed Post Day Beer 341 from day166-Beer 166 Maclays Traditional Pale Ale, Sleeman Breweries, Guelph Ontario

Couldn't figure out why I was off by a day in my countdown to New Years Eve and checked back to realize this post ended up in my draft posts instead of on the blog. Adding this one back in makes my count right.Last night was a trip to Scotland for a brew so tonight is a Scottish brew made here in Canada. Smallish white head slow recedes above a clear bright washed out golden colored beer. It poured  a golden yellow with a small fizzy head that dissipated quickly and left no lacing, jus t a few carbonation bubbles around the edge of the glass. The aroma was bread grains, sweet malts and a hint of something sour, apple maybe. The taste is typical light ale, bread grains, syrup, malt and just a faint hint of hop bitterness.
Overall the only thing going for this beer is the price as it was one of the cheaper beers I have tried during my sojourn, but, if you like bud light you might like this one. 3 out of 5

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