Saturday, December 13, 2014

Day 347-Beer 347 Shock Top Honey Bourbon Cask Wheat Ale, Shock Top Brewing Co. St Louis Mo

This one is thanks to Edie and Fred. This one is a Belgian-Style Witbier, or an unfiltered wheat ale and is brewed with honey, caramel malt, and aged on bourbon cask staves. It pours a very muddy orange colour with one finger of off white head that leaves only a small amount of lacing. The aroma is very unique, lots of honey, caramel candy apple with an oak wine barrel background and the smell of a spicy bourbon. The taste is very sweet lots of honey and brown sugar taste with a very creamy feel in your mouth then some spice and oak which fades again to honey and sugar. A beer that a non beer drinker might enjoy on a hot summer night. A little to sweet for my taste but a good brew 3.4 out of 5

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