Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 359-Beer 359 Snow Roller Hoppy Brown Ale, South Burlington, Vermont

I'm Dreaming of a white Christmas.... well there is no snow here in Florida today, although it was a little cool. Had dinner a 1 oclock at Camp Tiger, wow what a meal, then five holes of golf with Kristal and Rochelle followed by a losing game of dominos against the pro's Phylis and Lynn. Well back to the white Christmas we couldn't find any snow so I drank a snow roller. The name contradicts the look, it's far from white. It is listed as an american brown ale and pours a dark brown/mahogany colour with two fingers of off white head that settles to a thin laye of sticky lacing. The smell is nutty with rich earthy malts and some pine and floral hops. The flavour leaves a little sweetness on the palate with nutty malts with pine resin and grassy hops and a peppery background. Overall a good brew that lives up to its label of a "Hoppy Brown Ale". There are more hops than are usual for a Brown Ale. It also makes a good Winter Warmer with is 6.2%ABV. Take your soul for a roll in the snow. 3.4 out of 5. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT

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