Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 363-Beer 363 St. Bernardus Christmas Ale, Brouwerij St. Bernardus, Watou Belgium

Well it still the Christmas Season and so my last Christmas ale, this one a Belgian abbey ale. This beer is listed as a Quadruple or a Quad. Inspired by the Trappist brewers of Belgium, a Quadruple is a Belgian style ale of great strength with bolder flavor compared to its Dubbel and Tripel sister styles. Typically a dark creation that ranges within the deep red, brown and garnet hues. Full bodied with a rich malty palate. Sweet with a low bitterness yet a well perceived alcohol. This one is 10%ABV and comes in a 750mil bottle. It poured a dark mahogany colour with lots of fuzzy head that settles to a thin layer of sticky foam. The aroma is fairly sweet with lots of dark fruits, plums, brown sugar with a brandy like background. the flavour is again sweet up front with some dark fruits especially plum with hints of black cherries along with toffee and caramel malts. A great winter brew that will warm your innards 3.9 out of 5

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