Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 354-Beer 354 Maximus Ale, Lagunitas Brewing Co. Petaluma California

Tonight's brew is an American Double or Imperial Pale Ale. Typically they are an IPA on steroids with a very heavy malt background and a high alcohol content, this one is 8.2%ABV. It poured a golden/orange colour with one finger of off white head and lots of carbonation bubbles. The head settled to a thick layer of lacing that stick to the sides of the glass as you drink this beer. The aroma is heavy on the hops, citrus, lemon and grapefruit, pine resin and just a hint of something sweet, apricots maybe, in the background.The flavours are also nice and strong,pine resin hops up front moving to sweet toffee and apricot than back to some grapefruit bitterness and a peppery feeling from the alcohol. A really great APA, 3.9 out of 5. Check out 90 Minute IPA for a comparable.

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