Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 350-Beer 350 Vitus, Brauerei Weihenstephaner, Freising Germany

Tonight's brew is from a brewer that lists itself as the oldest brewing co. in the world, established in 1040. It brews all of its beers under the purity law of 1516. The brew is a Weizenbock a more powerful Dunkel Weizen (of "bock strength"), it should have a pronounced estery alcohol character, with some spiciness from this, and bolder and more complex malt characters of dark fruits. The average alcohol by volume (abv) is in the range: 7.0-10.0%. This one is 7.7% ABV and comes in a one pint one oz bottle and it won a world beer award for the world's best strong wheat beer in 2012, I am looking forward to this one. It pours a typical unfiltered wheat bear, a cloudy golden yellow colour with two fingers of fluffy white head that settles to leave a small amount of lacing. The aroma is very bold with bread yeast up front and a sweet background of banana and bubblegum and hints of clove and peppery spices. The flavour also stands out, banana bread, spices, cloves with a little honey spread. There is a nice warmth from the high alcohol content but not a burn. This would be a great beer for a cold evening back in Canada which I don't miss right now. And you know I am not a wheat beer fan but this well it transcends the style. A fitting beer for my birthday. 3.9 out of 5

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