Tuesday, December 2, 2014

back on the net finally, day 330-332, beers 330-332

finally hooked back to the internet, the long drive to Florida was realitively uneventful, some snow of and on for the first ten hours then clear sailing, just under 22 hours door to door. Day 330-Beer 330, Wells IPA, Wells and Young Ltd., Bedford, UK Day 330 was on the road so this one was drank as a traveller about 10 pm when Rochelle took over the wheel for a few hours. I had to drink it from my travel coffee mug so I am not sure of the colour but it did produce a lot of head. The aroma was fairly light with a hint of hops and some malt but there really wasn`t much of anything. The taste had hints of caramel and some hop bitterness. Not much of an IPA, 3 out of 5

Day 331-Beer 331 Grapefruit Radler, Waterloo Brewing Co. Waterloo Ontario
one should know better than to try something grapefruit from Canada. It was more like drinking fresca than a beer. too sweet, to carbonated all round not my cup of beer 2.9 out of 5

Day 332-Beer 332 La Joufflue,Archibald Microbrasserie, Quebec City, Quebec
The last of my beers from Norm and the last I brought with me from Canada.  this one is a belgian style witbier. It poured a hazy golden yellow colour with nice white head that left some good lacing. The aroma hints of bready yeast, lemon, orange and coriander. The taste matched the smell, bread yeasts, wheat a hint of lemon, orange with a spicy background of cloves and coriander. An okay wheat beer, 3.5 out of 5.

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