Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 352-Beer 352 Farmhouse Red Ale, Blue Moon Brewing Co. , Golden Coloradao

Great game of cards tonight, a Rochelle takes home the big prize again, maybe my turn next week or maybe not. Tonights brew is a saison/farmhouse ale. It poured a copper/amber colour with one finger of off white head that left a thin layer of foam across the surface and some sticky leggs. The aroma for a saison was quite mild, some bread yeast, dark fruit/raisin and a hint of spicy hops. The flavourI bought a six-pack of Farmhouse Red Ale in a grocery store, poured in to a pint glass.The flavour has some swwet malt up front with bready yeast, pepper and just a hint of hop bitterness. An good brew as I do enjoy farmhouse ales. 3.6 out of 5 F

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