Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day 213-Beer213, Loaded Goat Maibock, Alley Kat Brewing Co. Edmonton Alberta

Tonight's brew is a Maibock/Helles Bock. They tends to be lighter in color than other Bock beers and often have a significant hop character with a noticeable alcohol around the same as a traditional Bock. Maibocks are customarily served in the spring and are oftentimes interrelated with spring festivals and celebrations more often in the month of May. One recent example was day 194, Dab Maibock, a German version of this style

This one from Canada  7.3% abv, poured a reddish copper colour with minimal head that left no lacing at all. The aroma is sweet malts with a hint of grassy hops. The taste is slightly sweet, but not overly so with a little hop bitterness in the background. A drinkable beer but nothing special and not as good as the German version from last month  3.5 out of 5.

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