Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 238 (Wed. Aug. 27) Beer 238 Samuel Adams Boston Lager, Boston Beer Company, Boston Massachusetts

This one is thanks to Kandy, the daughter of Lynn and Phyllis. Boston Lager is a Vienna Lager. This style of beer is named after the city in which it originated,  traditionally brewed using a three step boiling process. Munich, Pilsner, Vienna toasted and dextrin malts are used, as well wheat in some cases. The style is typically crisp with only a hint of hops and a sweet aftertaste. Some other examples of  Vienna Lager are Dos Equis and Negra Modelo from Mexico and Tuborg Classic from Denmark.

This one poured an clear amber colour with nice white foamy head the dissipated quickly leaving only a small amount of lacing. The aroma is roasted and caramel malts. The taste is sweet  roasted malts up front with a slight hint of hops in the finish. For its style it's a fairly good brew 3.5 out of  5

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