Friday, August 8, 2014

Day 219-Beer219 The Witty Traveller, Railway City Brewing Company, St. Thomas Ontario

Tonight's Brew, The Witty Traveller has finally arrived! With spices from the East,  the fruits of the South, and yeasts of the North. Enveloped in taste and aromas of far flung places. He has stopped to offer us a pint!  Very witty indeed, it is a witbier. A Witbier is a Belgian Style ale that's very pale and cloudy in appearance due to it being unfiltered and the high level of wheat, and sometimes oats, that's used in the mash. They are often referred to as "white beers" (witbieren) due to the cloudiness / yeast in suspension. They are always spiced, generally with coriander, orange peel and other oddball spices or herbs in the back ground. The crispness and slight twang comes from the wheat and the lively level of carbonation. Similar brews are Hoegaarden (Hoegaarden Brewery) and Blue Moon Belgian  White (Coors Brewing).

This brew was very typical of the style, it poured a hazy gold colour with almost no head but lots of carbonation bubbles. The aroma is lemon and orange citrus, wheat malt with a hint of spices ( coriander and pepper). The flavour starts out sweet with hints of cloves, banana, coriander and a touch of pepper. Overall a little too light in aroma and taste. 3.2 out of 5.

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