Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 218 Beer218 Monkey Fist IPA, Shipyard Brewing Co., Portland Maine

Tonight's brew is an American IPA. They are supposedly more flavourful that the British version. Colour can vary from golden straw to reddish amber.  Hops are typically American with a big herbal and / or citric character, bitterness measured in IBU's are usually very high as well. In addition this brew is a strong ale at 6.9%ABV .
Similar brews that I have rated are Sculpin IPA, Ballast Point Brewing Co. at  3.9 out of 5  and 60 minute IPA from Dogfish at 4.0 out of 5

Tonight's poured a slightly cloudy golden amber with a reddish/orange tint. It produced very little head and very little lacing but it did have lots of carbonation bubbles. The aroma was grassy and citrus hops. The taste is citrus hops right up front with a touch of sweet malts in the background and a slightly lingering hop bitterness. Overall a good American IPA 3.8 out of 5

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