Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 230-Beer 230 Hofbrau Original, Hofbräuhaus München,München, Germany

Tonight's brew is a Munich Helles Lager.  When the golden and clean lagers of Plzen (Bohemia) became all the rage in the mid-1800's, München brewers feared that Germans would start drinking the Czech beer vs. their own. Munich Helles Lager was their answer to meet the demand. A bit more malty, they often share the same spicy hop characters of Czech Pils, but are a bit more subdued and in balance with malts. "Helles" is German for "bright."

This one pours a clear golden yellow colour with adequate white head that dissipates quickly leaving only a few surface bubbles. there is not much in the way of aroma,   a slight hint of grassy hops and yeast and not much else. The taste has hints of  toasted malts and grain with a slight background of hops. It has a very clean dry finish typical of its style. 3.5 out of 6

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