Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 216-Beer 216Dragon Stout, Desnoes and Geddes Limited, Kingston, Jamaica

Tonight's brew is an Foreign/ Export Stout brewed in Jamaica man. An export stout is a special style of stout that is brewed bigger than normal for a long journey, the more traditional  Export Stouts will be found in the tropical regions of the world. Higher in alcohol with a very pronounced roasted character. This one is 7.5%ABV. Other beers of the same type are Guiness Foreign Extra Stout, Lion Stout from Ceylon,  and Indra Kunindra from Ballast Point Brewing.

It poured a dark almost black colour with a creamy tan head that left some sticky lacing around the edge  and coated the entire side of the glass as I drank this brew. The aroma at first had a sour background, not sure what it was but as it warmed it gave off  scents of dark chocolate, espresso coffee and roasted malts. The taste has a dark fruit and coffee base with hints of chocolate, cherry and just a touch of smoke and a subtle hint of bitterness. Overall a very good brew, and one that if you are willing to share would go good in many recipes and marinades, I am going to try some in my next batch of gravy. 4.0 out of 5.

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