Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 237-Beer 237 Saison, Four Winds Brewing, Delta British Columbia

As the name states it is a Saison or Farmhouse Ale. See July 21 Ville Provison Saison Dupont  for a description of the style (3.9/5) and Jan 4 Hennepin (4/5), Aug 13 La Saison Du Tracteur (3.4/5)

This poured  hazy  golden dark yellow colour with lots of head that took awhile to settle while a continuous stream of carbonation bubbles rose to the surface. The aroma has hints of lemon and orange citrus, floral hops, banana, bread yeast and something spicy/peppery. The flavour has a sweet malt background with a strong fruitiness to it with a nice balance of hops with a lemon undertone and a spicy/ peppery finish. 3.8 out of 5

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