Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 232-Beer 232 Nickel Brook Equilibrium, Better Bitters Brewing Co., Burlington Ontario

Tonight's brew was on tap at the golf course today. Had a great front nine and fell apart on the back nine and ended up with a so so score. Back in the clubhouse they ran out of Canadian so we tried a pitcher of Equilibrium, I really did need to rebalance. It is an Extra Special /Strong Bitter.  ESBs are essentially more aggressive and more balanced Bitters, both in alcohol and hop character, but nothing overpowering. Color range will be similar, though leaning towards the darker end of the scale; dark golds to copper. Low carbonation. Malts tend to be more pronounced, often toasty and fruity, with maybe some notes diacetyl. And despite "bitter" being in its name, ESBs are not really all that bitter. They key to an ESB is balance.

This one poured an amber/copper colour with adequate head. The aroma was fairly light but there were hints of pine resin, citrus and toffee. The taste was very sweet up front, caramel and roasted malts with hints grapefruit, orange zest and pine resin that left some hop bitterness in the aftertaste. It was relatively well balanced for a bitter. Overall slightly above average but not great 3.6 out of 5

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