Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 240-Beer 240 Stainless Steel Obsession, Ellicottville Brewing Co. Ellicottville NY

Got to sample six different brews before I settled on today's beer, had one for lunch at the EBC and bought a six pack for home. Stainless Steel Obsession is an American IPA, The American IPA is more flavorful than the English IPA, color can range from very pale golden to reddish amber. Hops are typically American with a big herbal and / or citric character, bitterness is high as well. Moderate to medium bodied with a balancing malt backbone. Others that I have tried on my blog are Sculpin IPA 3.9/5,Monkey Fist IPA 4/5 and 60minute IPA 4/5.

This one is 7%ABV. It poured a clear amber colour with adequate foamy head that dissipates quickly leaving virtually no lacing behind. The aroma is citrus/ grapefruit, and pine resin hops with just a hint of some bready yeast. The taste is slightly sweet up front with hints of caramel/toffee and some bread yeasts but the hops quickly takeover, lots of grapefruit and bitter orange and pine resin. Lots of hop bitterness but very drinkable. A very good brew 3.9 out of 5

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