Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 223-Beer 223 Deviator Dopplebock, Oak aged series, Carmeron's Brewing Company, Oakville, Ontario

Tonight's brew is a Dopplebock,  They are usually much stronger than a German style Bock beer and contain enough malty goodness. This style was originally brewed by monks  and that they have been considered a meal in a glass for centuries. The monks preserved there grains in this manner and considered it liquid bread during times of fast.  Generally they have a very full-bodied flavor and are darker than their little Bock brothers and sisters and a higher level of alcohol too. They range in color from dark amber to nearly black, and dark versions often have slight chocolate or roasted characters. this is my first of this style included in my beer tour.

This brew has an added characteristic in that it has been aged in Kentucky oak bourbon barrels for six months.  It is a very strong beer at 8.6%ABV. It poured almost black with just a small amount of tan coloured head that left no lacing at all. The aromas is sweet molasses and caramel up front with hints of alcohol ( I guess the bourbon barrels), dark fruits and bread malts. The taste is dark roasted coffee with camel and molasses with hints of licorice, bready malts and raisins. A little over the top in sweetness and its lack of carbonation mark it down in quality.  3.0 out of 5, I wouldn't recommend this brew unless you were a fan of the old malt liquors.

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