Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 215-Beer 215 Ruination IPA, Stone Brewing Co. Escondido,San Diego County, California

Tonight's brew is an American Double / Imperial IPA  You take an India Pale Ale and feed it steroids, ergo the term Double IPA. The Imperial usage comes from Russian Imperial stout, a style of strong stout originally brewed in England for the Russian Imperial Court of the late 1700s; though Double IPA is often the preferred name.  Two other  brews of this type are 90 minute IPA from Dogfish Brewing Company and Hop Stoopid from Lagunitas all of which I have evaluated earlier in the year. 90 minute IPA had one of my highest ratings at 4.2 out of 5 and Hop Stoopid was a 3.9 out of 5.

This one pours a murky straw colour with okay head that leaves nice sticky lacing.   The taste is sweet up front, caramel and toffee flavoured malts with lots of hops, grapefruit, bitterness right behind it. Overall a very good brew with lots of hops to back up its style, but not quite in the class of 90 minute IPA, 3.9 out of 5

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