Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Day 217-Beer217 Northern Harvest Dark Ale, Trafalgar Ales and Meads, Oakville Ontario

Tonight's brew is listed as a Herb, Spiced Beer This style takes includes beer that is specially herbed and or spiced. It includes such oddities as Pumpkin beer to Christmas beers with nutmeg and cinnamon to ginger beers to heather ales. Some brewers will throw just about anything into the brew kettle; hot peppers, hemp, ginseng or spruce needles. This one is brewed with juniper berries.
It poured a dark chocolate colour with very little head and virtually no lacing and minimal carbonation.  Not much in the aroma department, some sweetness with a hint of coffee.  The taste was sweet, brown sugar caramel and toasted malt. There is a slight pine bitterness in the background which I presume is from the juniper berries. This is not a beer I would buy again, 2.9 out of 5.

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