Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 225-Beer 225 Mandril Pale Ale, Mandril Brewing Co., Barcelona Spain

Tonight's brew is an English Pale Ale. Generally they golden olden to reddish amber in color with generally a good head retention. A mix of fruity, hoppy, earthy, buttery and malty aromas and flavors can be found.
This one is unfiltered and unpasteurized and lists itself as a premium craft brew. It poured a hazy orange amber colour with lots of head that eventually settled to a thin cover of lacing across the surface. The aroma is has some sweet malt up front with lots of floral hops pine resin and grapefruit. Taste, malt, piney hops, grapefruit, oranges. A nice dry hop finish. Overall a good English Pale Ale  and very drinkable, 3.6 out of 5.

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